Left Hand Tree by Jay Gunter (My Review)

Hey guys, back with my review of Left Hand Tree!!

In all my years of reading, I don't think I’ve ever beheld a debut novel quite like this one. When I’m first introduced to an author through their work, particularly when said work is fiction, it’s usually a huge body of one big story. 

Left Hand Tree is different from that. I enjoy pretty much anything that is a bit out of the box from the norm so I gave it a point right at the beginning for that. Instead of a large quantity words surrounding one horror-based fictional account,  Jay Gunter gives the readers of Left Hand Tree a gripping tale followed by multiple short stories that are just as riveting. 

From the Prologue, I was hooked and, while I enjoyed the descriptive terror that Gunter brings to his words, I will say my skin crawled quite a bit. He gives you just enough to get your imagination working, which, for me, made the work all the more scary and spellbinding.


So if you love horror, you’re going to love this. I’d highly recommend Left Hand Tree and I'm looking forward to seeing more from Jay Gunter. Five stars!
