My Review: Away From the Dark (The Light Series Book 2) by Aleatha Romig

Hey! I’m back!

I hope you all are doing well.

So jumping right in with another part two book…

Away from the Dark by Aleatha Romig, the continuing story primarily following Sarah, a young woman who now is beginning to realize she needs out of the evil cult with too much reach beyond the mountainous, ski-lodge-like compound known as The Light.

In the previous book, Into the Light, Sarah had no idea about her former life and only knows what she’s been told by everyone around her including Jacob, her husband who is not at all what he seems.

Now, in Away from the Dark, the memories are coming back to her. Meanwhile, Jacob’s own guilt and secrets are eating away at him.

If I had to pick one theme for this book, I’d say it would be “Trust no one” because that’s honestly how I felt after this. I've been giving everything and everyone a second glance since I read this book.


Within these pages, no one was who they seemed to be and characters who you might think would be helpful, helpless, or even evil were anything but.


In Away from the Dark, there’s intrigue, suspense, thrills, paralyzing shock and the threat of murder in the middle of a stew of corruption. It felt so real that my heart raced, stopped, and broke all at once.

So if you love mysteries, you WILL want this book!

5 stars! No question about it!

Romig absolutely leaves you wanting more. Her style and delivery are unmatched. 

I would, however, caution you on reading this after dark. If you’re anything like me, your heart will be wound up tight long after you’re supposed to be asleep.


Thanks for joining me and check out Away from the Dark (The Light Series Book 2)!

You can also check out Into The Light here ----> 
