Interview with Allysa Hart, author of A Well Placed Wish
I have always loved writing. I used to pen stories in elementary school, but I was hopeless at illustrations so I stopped. After college, I rediscovered my love for reading and started devouring romance books like crazy. The stories started coming to me and I just followed suit and began writing. Best decision I have ever made.
2. What is the first book that ever made you cry?
I remember this very vividly, it was in 6th grade. Everyday after lunch our teacher read to us from a chapter book. Where the Red Fern Grows was one of the books he read and I remember him tearing up as he read and I could feel the emotion like I was living it and before I knew it I was sobbing. It was intense.
3. How long does it take you to write a book?
I wrote this book in under two months. The other two took a bit longer, but as I get more serious about my writing career I dedicate more time to writing and get stories out faster.
4. Do you have any bizarre writing quirks?
I don’t think so. I am not a linear writer by any means. I write my stories in scenes and I move things all over the place before I end up with a finished product. When the stories come to me they are all there, from beginning to end, usually. I just have to get them on paper looking good for my readers.
5. Where do you get your book ideas?
Everywhere. I am always thinking about story ideas, but not all of them come to fruition. Usually because I forget to write them down.
6. What do you do when you are not writing?
7. What does your family think of your writing?
They are proud of me. When I told my mom her response was, “It's about time. You have always been great with words.” They buy my stuff, but they are not allowed to read it. lol
8. Do you hear much from your readers? What kinds of things do they say?
I love to hear from readers and I maintain the best relationships that I can with them. I have had tearful confessions of inner struggles and angry words because the emotions in my stories are strong and broke them down. Whether it's good or critical feedback, I welcome it. I want to learn and grow and if no one tells me what I can improve on then there is no room for progress.
9. What do you think makes a good story?
Emotions. I want to love or hate or fear or agonize WITH the characters. I want to feel the story as if it is my own.
10. Does writing energize or exhaust you?
Both. On days where the words are flowing I feel amazing, like I could take on the world. The days that I am struggling to get 500 words, let alone meet my daily goal, I wonder why I am even doing this. Luckily that feeling never lasts long.
11. What are common traps that new authors fall into?
I am still a new author and still falling into traps. lol
12. Have you ever got READERS Block?
Sometimes nothing will keep my attention, I like to see books through to the end, but lately I have been bad about it.
13. If you could tell your younger writer-self anything, what would it be?
Never stop. Start and never stop. The story is not stupid, it is your story and it deserves to be told.
14. What was the best money you ever spent as an author?
My new banner for book signing. I think it is going to make a huge splash.
15. What does literary success look like for you?
I have achieved it. I wrote a book and at least one person bought it, read it, and loved it. I continue to write because I love it and it brings a little extra money to my family.
16. Tell us about your latest book.
Fiona Burelli is a 22 year old socialite living a fast paced privileged lifestyle where she believes she is untouchable. Her father, Vincent Burelli, is a wealthy politician with questionable ethics. Even though she can't stand the man, she loves the money and the power that came with being a Burelli.
When Vincent is arrested, all of her possessions are seized and assets are frozen and Fiona has no choice but to seek out her family for help or end up on the streets.
She quickly learns the only person willing to take her in is an estranged aunt she has only met once in her entire life.
Fi is forced to trade in her credit cards and designer shoes for a broom and dust pan as she learns how the lower classes live, but she constantly reminds herself, the change is only temporary.
Stumbling into a hidden room of the antique shop, she lets her curiosity gets the best of her and ends up in the company of a sexy, nonsense genie with a penchant for discipline.
Being in the small town with the unique older woman and sexy genie, she learns more than just how to do laundry and dishes.
When Vincent is arrested, all of her possessions are seized and assets are frozen and Fiona has no choice but to seek out her family for help or end up on the streets.
She quickly learns the only person willing to take her in is an estranged aunt she has only met once in her entire life.
Fi is forced to trade in her credit cards and designer shoes for a broom and dust pan as she learns how the lower classes live, but she constantly reminds herself, the change is only temporary.
Stumbling into a hidden room of the antique shop, she lets her curiosity gets the best of her and ends up in the company of a sexy, nonsense genie with a penchant for discipline.
Being in the small town with the unique older woman and sexy genie, she learns more than just how to do laundry and dishes.
17. Do you sometimes find yourself Googling yourself?
I actually never have lol
18. Describe how you felt when you published your first book.
Like I had poured out my soul and people were going to actually read it. I was scared to death, but I am so so glad I did.
19. What’s coming next?
Sequels! I have a sequel written for Adopting Katie and the next book in the Fantastical Daddy Doms story is already in the works. I am also going to be revisiting Rawhide Ranch a whole lot more, stay tuned.
20. Do you have a favorite book?
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