Boundaries and Self-Care: Teacher's Edition by Queen J

 Boundaries and Self-Care: Teacher’s Edition by Queen J

I recently saw a quote by Brene Brown that I felt in my soul.

“When we fail to set boundaries and hold people accountable, we feel used and mistreated.”

As many of you might know, I’m currently a college professor and have been for a few years now. However, in the fall, I’ll be teaching high school English.

If you're a teacher (or even if you’re not), you understand just how much you need to take care of yourself even while you are trying to be there for everyone else.

Personally, I love what I do. I love helping my students learn new things. But I have to take care of me first because, at the end of the day, I’m not replaceable to my friends and family. My health and wellness are also not replaceable.

The pandemic and its effects—if nothing else—has shown us all this. You’re no good to anyone—not yourself, your family, or your students—if you’re beaten down.

So, unlike what I had done during my first couple years of teaching college, I will set better boundaries and care for myself because I’m no good to anyone, especially not myself, if I’m beaten down and stressed out.

What about you? Are you a teacher? How do you go about setting boundaries and caring for yourself?
