#GuestPost -- Why I Write About Dead People By Michael Phillip Cash
Why I Write About Dead People
By Michael Phillip Cash
As the author of several paranormal and horror books, I’m often asked why I write about dead people.
The answer is very simple. I’m fascinated with the afterlife.
I love the idea that energy never dies and we are immortal beings having a human experience.
I’m not alone here. There’s a ton of evidence to be found on the subject.
Studies show that a high percentage of people do believe in some form of an afterlife – some reports
even estimate a whopping 82% of Americans believe that there’s something more waiting for us after
we die.
Speaking for myself, I can certainly say there have been times when I’ve felt this infiniteness.
This makes me believe that life isn’t over after our heart stops beating.
I believe we were created by something that is beyond the scope of our imagination,
something bigger than the word God.
This is why I write about dead people.
That and the fact that they seem to be much more fascinating than most people living on earth.
Michael Phillip Cash is the author of the four-book series A Haunting on Long Island.
Readers can connect with Michael on his website and Facebook.
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