#Review: Her Boldest Lie by Kelly Utt (Rosemary Run #3) by Kelly Utt

Her Boldest Lie (Rosemary Run #3)Her Boldest Lie by Kelly Utt
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

What I like?

I read the previous books in the series and this one picks up with Marcheline Fay, the successful vineyard owner who, to be honest, is one of the few characters that I had an interest in wanting to learn more about. That said, the author did create a promising premise that was indeed intriguing. Compared to the previous books in the Rosemary Run series, I did want to read more to find out how it ended.


What I didnā€™t like?

The downright immaturity of a character who I felt should have known better and did have at least one safe place to bare her soul. Not to give away anything, but I will say that, while the reasons behind the secrets were understandable, there would be no plot had she told the truth to just one person.



I wasnā€™t crazy about the previous books in this series, but this one was much better. Marcheline Fay does make for an interesting character and the center for a pretty suspenseful story. So, I give it 3 stars. Currently in the process of reading the remainder of the series. Stay tuned.


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