To The Woman Who Inspired Me Most #WomensHistoryMonth

 Women’s History Month: The Woman Who Inspires Me Most by Queen J Reads

Good morning and welcome back to my blog.
Since it is the beginning of Women’s History Month, I wanted to take this time to discuss the one of the women who inspire me most.
The woman who gave me life: my mother. She taught (and still teaches me, honestly) to live without fear. To go for something if I just want to do it.

“If you fail, we got you. If you fly, we got you,” she constantly told me from childhood and into my young adult years; one time in particularly when I was contemplating going into Education and becoming a doctor in the field.

She is also the person who inspired my love of both reading and writing. She was the one who critiqued my earliest pieces and offered honest and constructive criticism. The one who introduced me to the other women whose work would go on to shape me as an educator, a writer, and an overall person.

My mother was the very first one who embodied, for me, that one must never stop learning or growing.

To borrow a quote from Dr. Maya Angelou, “I would like to be known as an intelligent woman, a courageous woman, a loving woman, a woman who teaches by being.”

For me, my mom is that woman. And, one day, I hope to be that woman—that kind of mother—for my children.

What woman inspires you most?
