Favorite TV Show Binge Right Now
So, I write cozy middle-grade and paranormal mystery books. Every now and again while I'm writing, I like to have a television show in the background especially one that helps to fit the genre in which I'm constructing a story. There are several shows that I'm obsessed with right now and one of them is Madam Blanc Mysteries.
I found the show last year on AcornTV. The show centers around Jean White. She and her husband, Rory, are antique dealers and owners of a cottage in a village located in the South of France called San Victoire. Suddenly, Rory dies, and that San Victoire cottage becomes the only thing left of Jean White's assets. She goes to the village to unravel the mystery of her husband's death and ends up uncovering the various mysteries in the lives of the citizens of the town. I love everything about this show. Sally Lindsay, the creator and the actress who plays Jean White, and the cast have created an absolute gem. Though our audiences are somewhat different, this show is the essence of what I want for the Wicked Unearth series as it progresses. A bright and shiny place. A colorful and diverse cast of characters each one with a mystery to hide or explore. Now that the show is on its second season (which I have been anticipating for the longest time) and I'm looking forward to seeing where else it goes.
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